JAKARTA - The leadership of the DPR together with the members of the council have agreed on the composition of the leadership of Commission VI of the DPR for the period 2024-2029. The Speaker of the DPR, Puan Maharani, has officially appointed a member of the PKB faction, Anggia Erma Rini, as Chairman of Commission VI of the DPR.

Anggia is currently officially the Chairman of Commission VI of the DPR RI accompanied by four deputy chairmen, namely Nurdin Halid (Golkar Party Faction), Andre Rosiade (Gerindra Party Faction), Eko Hendro Purnomo or Eko Patrio (PAN Faction), and Adisatrya Suryosulisto Huda (PDIP Faction).

"Can the composition of the leadership of Commission VI of the DPR be approved?" said Puan while chairing the DPR Commission VI meeting, Tuesday, October 22.

Commission VI of the DPR is a commission in charge of trade affairs, trade areas and supervision of business competition, and BUMN. As well as partnering with the Ministry of Trade, Ministry of SOEs, Ministry of Cooperatives, BPKN, KPPU, Batam Free Area and Port Concession Agency, Free Trade Crater Concession Agency and Sabang Free Port, Indonesian Cooperative Council.

After being official, the five leaders of Commission VI of the DPR were asked by Puan Maharani to receive the hammer of the trial symbolically. Then they together with the leadership of the DPR carried out a photo together holding the hammer of the trial.

Berikut nama-nama anggota Komisi VI DPR:

PDIP Faction

Adisatrya Suryo Sulisto

Mufti Aimah Nurul Anam

Darmadi Durianto

Rieke Diah Pitaloka

IGN Kesuma Kejatan


Ida Nurlaela Wiradinata

Budi Sulistyono

Golkar Faction

Nurdin Halid

Gde Sumarjaya Linggih

Ahmad Labib

Sarifah Suraidah

Doni Akbar

Firnindo H. Ganinduto

Rizki Faisal

M. Sarmuji

Gerindra Faction

Andre Rosiade


Muhammad Husein Fadlulloh

Mulan Jameela

Kawendra Lukistian

Unru Basro

NasDem Faction

Rachmat Gobel

Asep Wahyuwijaya

I Nengah Senantara

Randi Zulmariadi

Rudi Hartono Bangun


PKB Faction

Anggia Erma Rini

Rivqy Abdul Halim

M. Nasim Khan

Ida Fauziyah

Imas Aan Ubudiah

PKS Faction


Rizal Bawazier



PAN Faction

Eko Hendro Purnomo

Nasril Bahar

Abdul Hakim Bafagih


Democratic Faction


Kusumawardhani Tutik

Herman Khaeron

Fauji Thanks BR. Tampubolon

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