JAKARTA - Minister of Migrant Workers Protection, Abdul Kadir Karding, revealed a message from President Prabowo Subianto before appointing him as one of the ministers in the Red and White Cabinet.

According to him, there are two things that Prabowo Subianto underlined when meeting face to face regarding Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI).

"When I was summoned to Hambalang, the deputy minister too, the deputy minister too, I was called no more than 5 minutes to meet Pak Prabowo. He conveyed two things to me," Karding said in his speech while giving directions at the Migrant Workers Protection Ministry office, Jakarta, Tuesday, October 22.

Prabowo's first message at the meeting was about the exploitation of migrant workers.

At that time, said Karding, things that occurred in his mind were about guaranteeing protection.

The message is in accordance with the contents of Article 27 of the 1945 Constitution concerning every citizen entitled to a decent job for humanity.

"The first message conveyed by him is that I ask for help so that workers who are abroad or migrant workers do not have exploitation, there is no trafficking of people, and so on and so on. That's his message," he said.

Then, the second message conveyed by the President for the 2024-2029 period was regarding the addition of foreign exchange from migrant workers.

"Secondly, he said 'but also like this, mas, if you can increase the foreign exchange'. Of course, our imagination, as assistant candidates, has gone where. Additional foreign exchange, what does it mean? He hopes that what has been running will remain and we will increase it in terms of increasing foreign exchange," he said.

Based on the information he received, Karding continued, foreign exchange from migrant workers was the second largest revenue after oil and gas with a value of IDR 223.3 trillion to IDR 257 trillion.

Therefore, Karding will follow up on Prabowo's request with maximum performance to fulfill all the things the President wants.

"So it's amazing, in my brain sir, these two things are underlined by Pak Prabowo," said Karding.

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