JAKARTA - News of grief has covered the residents of Nahdlatul Ulama Tangerang, Banten. KH Abuya Uci Thurtusi died on Tuesday, April 6, at 06.00 WIB.

Former MUI Wasekjen Tengku Zulkarnain prayed for Abuya Uci's departure. Tengkul Zul prayed that Allah would glorify Abuya Uci.

"Another Charismatic Ulama called Allah KH Uci Thurthusi, Cilongok. May Allah glorify him. Al fatihah amen ...," said Tengku Zul, in his Twitter account @ustadtengkuzul.

Launching nu.or.id, a Nahdliyin said that the late Abuya Uci was a friend of KH Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur). Abuya's figure is very well known, including to Gusdurian activists.

Based on NU Online Banten, Abuya Uci's closeness to Gus Dur is evidenced by the attitude of the two ulama who support each other in strengthening the knowledge of religion and the creed of Muslims in Indonesia. During his lifetime, Gus Dur served several times in recitation at the Cilongok Islamic Boarding School.

Apart from Gus Dur, the cleric who is also close to Abuya Uci is Habib Maulana Lutfi bin Yahya who currently lives in Pekalongan, Central Java.

Abuya Uci is the son of the late Abuya Dimyathi Cilongok, a kiai who is highly respected by the people of Banten. On a daily basis, Abuya Dimyathi Cilongok teaches the Koran to his students. Abuya Dimyati also routinely conducts weekly recitation for the community outside the Cilongok Islamic boarding school.

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