BENGKAYANG - Handling cases of sexual abuse against 10 children in Bengkayang, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) has entered the stage of investigation. Only a few days ago, the local police received testimony from expert witnesses to complete the case files.

This was the statement made by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit at the Bengkayang Police, AKP Antonius Trias Kuncorojati when contacted by the media crew in Bengkayang, Tuesday, April 6.

"Now it is already in the stage of investigating the perpetrator's initials JP, and the last one was examination of expert witnesses yesterday," said AKP Antonius Trias Kuncorojati as quoted by Antara.

From the results of the examination, he continued, the suspect with the initials JP did not suffer from pedophilia. The perpetrator consciously took a disgraceful action against his students in a dance studio.

"The suspect can be said to be a predator," said AKP Antonius.

This case was disclosed in mid-January 2021 and the first time this occurred in Bengkayang, with the average number of victims being underage. The police are coordinating with the Prosecutor's Office for the punishment of castration on the perpetrators.

Antonius also highlighted the many cases of sexual violence against children and the perpetrators were the closest people.

"This is a lack of parental supervision of children. For example, not asking where the child went, then how long. I hope that in the future the role of parents in supervising children will be much more intense in order to reduce the number of cases which increases every year," he said.

Antonius explained that JP is the owner of a dance studio in Bengkayang Regency. The perpetrator JP took action in the seduction mode with the lure of alternative medicine in the form of inner locks.

The victims did not know anything related to this. In this case, the perpetrator continues to urge the victims while frightening him by saying that each victim has a disease that must be cured immediately. If left unchecked, according to the perpetrator, the disease can get worse over time.

To the victim, the perpetrator said that the disease could not be cured anywhere else.

"The perpetrator said this to his students one by one via private WhatsApp messages. The victims who were afraid then came to the perpetrator's house to do treatment with inner locks," he said.

In this case, the perpetrator has also arranged in such a way a schedule to meet with each of his victims to carry out the inner locking ritual. However, this was done when the perpetrator's wife was not at home.

"For his own benefit, the perpetrator confesses to the victims that the inner lock has the property to ward off evil acts such as witchcraft, sorcery, etc. In addition, the perpetrator also gives the lure of an inner lock, which is to purify or cleanse the body of things. dirty, "he said.

When the opportunity came, the perpetrator began to order one by one the victims to come and enter his house to perform the ritual of inner locking.

The method is that the victim is asked to pray while holding yellow rice in front of a pantak (belian wooden statue) in the living room of his house.

After that, the perpetrator turned on the incense and incense while the victim was told to inhale the smoke (incense and incense) deeply under the pretext that the cleansing of the body would run smoothly.

After that, the victim felt dizzy and there were other rituals while doing his lecherous act. The perpetrator also threatened the victim not to tell anyone about the inner locking ritual.

"In this case, the perpetrator will frighten the victim if it is disseminated, the disease will come back and the genitals of each victim will rot," he said.

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