YOGYAKARTA - Honoris Causa Doctorate (HC) is an honorary degree given by a college to individuals who are considered extraordinary in certain fields. Are you interested and how to get a doctorate?

HC degrees are different from doctorates obtained through formal studies. So, what distinguishes the two? And how can someone get an HC degree from a well-known university?

This article will provide a complete explanation of the HC title and the process of achieving it.

The Honoris Causa Doctoral Degree is an honorary title awarded by universities to individuals who have made significant contributions to the development of science, technology, arts, or humanity.

The title of Doctor HC is given as a form of appreciation for extraordinary achievements and dedication, without requiring recipients to take part in the doctoral study program.

The granting of the HC title is regulated by strict regulations, both at the national and institutional levels, and can only be carried out by universities that meet the established criteria.

For more complete information, read an article that discusses Knowing What It Is The Honorary Title Of Causa, History, To Criteria

Untuk mendapatkan gelar Dokter HC di Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) mengikuti peraturan mengenai pemberian gelar academia di Indonesia.

Reporting from the official UGM website, one of the important regulations is the Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science Number 120 of 1963, which is then divided based on the following points:

This decision specifically regulates the use of 'Doctor' and'Honoris Causa' titles. In the regulation, the title 'Doctor' can only be officially watched by someone who has completed his doctoral program and has managed to maintain his dissertation in an authorized college.

Then the doctoral promotion process, including the conditions that must be met by prospective doctors, is regulated in detail by the Minister of Higher Education and Sciences.

Meanwhile, there is also Law Number 43 of 1980 concerning the Granting of Honoris Causa Doctoral Degrees as a legal basis for universities in Indonesia in awarding this honorary title.

This regulation aims to uniform the awarding of titles, ensuring that the title is given to individuals who are truly feasible, and is in line with academic values.

The Honoris Causa Doctoral Degree itself is the highest award given to a person for his extraordinary contributions in the field of science or humanity.

Both Indonesian and foreign citizens have the opportunity to accept this title, in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 paragraph (1) of the regulation.

Then referring to Article 2 paragraph (2) emphasizes that the title is given as appreciation for the contribution, as follows:

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