JAKARTA - Fadly Anggiwan, a suspect in the detention of Public Infrastructure and Facilities (PPSU) officers in Pejaten, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, was also caught in a drug case. Fadly was found to be positive for methamphetamine after being questioned by the police.

In order to break the drug network, the police are trying to trace the source of Fadly getting the illicit goods.

Pasar Minggu Police Chief, Kompol Anggiat Sinambela said his party would find out where Fadly got the methamphetamine. Moreover, Fadly is said to be a heavy drug user.

"What is clear is methamphetamine. Yes, the name is already a heavy user," concluded Anggiat.

Fadly's actions against PPSU officers were quite pleasing. The PPSU officer, who at that time was in charge of cutting down a tree, was afraid because Fadly threatened him with a firearm.

Although the police said the weapon Fadly was using was an airsoft gun, the victim at that time thought it was a firearm.

It is said that at that time Fadly was under the influence of drugs. He looked aggressive, shouting threats.

Until now, Fadly Anggiawan has been named a suspect under the emergency and threatening laws in accordance with Article 335 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 5 years in prison.

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