JAKARTA - Head of the Indonesian Armed Forces Information Center (Kapuspen) Maj. Gen. Hariyanto ensured that the warships of the Republic of Indonesia KRI Diponegoro-365 remained patrolling around Beirut, Lebanon, with the UNIFIL Maritime Task Force (MTF), although the Israeli military continued to attack Lebanon including the Beirut region.

The Indonesian government has sent more than 1,000 TNI soldiers to serve with the United Nations Peace Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL) spread into units such as the Maritime Task Force, the TNI Mechanical Battalion (INDOBATT), the Headquarters Supporter Task Force/Force Headquarter Support Unit (FHQSU).

Then the Indo Force Protection Company (FPC) Task Force, the Civil-Military Coordination Task Force / Civil Military Coordination (CIMIC) TNI, the Military Community Outreach Unit (MCOU) Task Force, and the Level 2 Hospital Task Force.

"KRI Diponegoro-365 masih di Lebanon sedangon task (patroli laut,)" kata Kapuspen dilansir ANTARA, Rabu, 16 Oktober.

The situation in Lebanon is heating up after the Israeli military (IDF) since last week has continued to attack southern Lebanon and city centers in Beirut through airstrikes and land invasions. The Israeli military argued that their attack on Lebanon was aimed at the Hezbollah group.

However, the Israeli military on several occasions often violated territorial borders on the Blue Line and attacked UNIFIL headquarters in several places.

UNIFIL, who served in Lebanon as mandated by the UN Security Council (DK), repeatedly criticized Israel's military action and reminded them that intentional attacks on peacekeepers were a violation of UN DK Resolution Number 1701.

UNIFIL, in its final official broadcast, said the Merkava IDF tank on Sunday damaged UNIFIL's main gate and forced it into a peacekeeping position on Ramyah, Blue Line.

Then, the IDF Mercava tank on October 10 also shot at the observation tower in the UNIFIL headquarters area in Naqura. The shot resulted in two soldiers on guard being injured. Both, who are TNI soldiers, were immediately treated and are now recovering.

In the midst of the escalation of the Israeli attack on Lebanon, the TNI ensured that its troops remained in charge with UNIFIL. The TNI Kapuspen also stated that all soldiers are currently safe and on duty as usual.

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, after the Israeli attack that injured TNI soldiers, strongly condemned the Israeli military attack targeting the UN peacekeeping force as well as TNI soldiers. Retno stated that Indonesia would never be afraid to help the United Nations maintain peace in Lebanon.

"Attacks are Israel's terror efforts against peacekeeping forces and the international community. Indonesia emphasizes that those who adhere to the principle of peace will never be afraid," said the Foreign Minister on the sidelines of his activities in Vientiane, Laos, last Friday.

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