BOGOR - The Bogor Regency Government, West Java, has moved the wheels of the economy through 37 times the implementation of the Cheap Food Movement (GPM) which has generated turnover of up to IDR 3.8 billion.

"For 37 times GPM, we have sold 264,957 kilograms of products, with a total turnover of almost Rp3.8 billion in total," said Acting Head of the Bogor Regency Food Security Service, Bambam Setia Aji during a GPM at the Rumpin District Office, Antara, Wednesday, October 16.

He explained that the 264,957 kilograms of commodities that had been sold consisted of 100 tons of SPHP rice, 81 tons of medium rice, 13.8 tons of chicken eggs, 3 tons of chicken meat, 2 tons of beef.

Then, 35 thousand liters of cooking oil, 24 thousand kilograms of sugar, 762 kilograms of red cayenne pepper, 751 kilograms of curly red chili, 17.00 kilograms of shallots, and 1,750 kilograms of onions.

Bambam explained that the GPM program provides subsidies in the form of facilitation of food distribution from the Bogor Regency Government worth Rp. 2,000 per kilogram.

"GPM in addition to helping people get cheaper daily needs, GPM is expected to be able to control inflation in Bogor Regency," said Bambam.

Acting Regent of Bogor Bachril Bakri explained that GPM is an effort by the Bogor Regency Government in maintaining food price stability and making it easier for people to reach various food needs with prices below average.

Bachril also admitted that he had prepared a number of other efforts, if commodity prices in Bogor Regency had increased, one of which was by using Unexpected Expenditures (BTT) to carry out various treatments.

"If there are quite high turmoil, we are ready to use BTT. We will also communicate with agents selling basic commodities that are rising, we will subsidize if that happens," Bachril said.

In addition, Bachril also prepared a food planting program. The Bogor Regency Government facilitates the cultivation of types of basic ingredients that have experienced price increases.

This Cheap Food Movement sells various food commodities at a cheaper price compared to the selling price in the market, such as SPHP rice being sold at a price of IDR 54 thousand/5 kilograms.

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