JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, stated that the announcement of the Leadership of the Council Equipment (AKD) will be made after the inauguration of the President-elect, Prabowo Subianto, on October 20. This is because the official establishment of the AKD is still waiting for the ministerial nomenclature in Prabowo's cabinet to become a partner of the DPR.

"We are still waiting for an announcement from the elected president who will be sworn in on October 20 to announce how many ministries and ministries," said Puan after chairing the DPR Plenary Meeting at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, October 15.

As for the Plenary Meeting, the DPR agreed to determine the number of AKDs, determine the number and composition of faction membership at AKD, as well as determine the number and composition of factions in the AKD leadership. In addition to agreeing on the addition of 2 commissions to 13 commissions, the DPR also agreed on the formation of a new body, namely the Aspiration Agency of the Community.

Even so, the DPR has not officially formed the AKD so that the leaders and members have not yet been determined. According to Puan, the DPR is still waiting for the certainty of the number of ministries in the Prabowo government which will later become AKD's partners so that it can be adjusted to each commission and agency.

"From there, we will find out the number or the ministry for us and then synergize or align it with the commissions in the DPR which have been agreed to amount to 13 commissions," explained the first woman to serve as Chair of the DPR RI.

Therefore, Puan said that the new AKD leadership and members would be announced after Prabowo's inauguration as President. Because the formation of the new AKD will be carried out after the clarity of the posts of ministries and institutions in the Prabowo government.

"After the elected president is sworn in, and announces his new cabinet, we will announce partners from the 13 commissions in the DPR," explained Puan.

After the official AKD was formed, according to the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, only later will the leadership of factions in the DPR determine who will then become leaders and members of each commission and agency. Puan emphasized that this was not the authority of the DPR leadership.

"It is the right of every faction leader to announce who the leaders are in the commissions. So it is not the right of the leadership of the DPR," said Bung Karno's grandson.

Regarding the formation of 2 new commissions during the 2024-2029 DPR period, Puan again stated this to align with the posture of ministries in the Prabowo government considering that there are plans to add ministerial posts. Thus, the functions of the DPR in each working partner can run effectively.

"To strengthen and of course synergize and harmonize plans for additional ministries which will be planned by the elected president or president who will be sworn in on October 20," said Puan.

In today's Plenary Meeting, the DPR agreed to add 2 commissions so that the legislative body now has 13 commissions. The DPR also agreed to form a new body, namely the Aspiration Body of the Community.

In addition, the DPR also agreed to determine the number and composition of the faction membership of the AKD. The following is the number and composition of members of each faction in the AKD that has been agreed upon by the DPR:

Commission I consists of 45 members, Commission II has 44 members, Commission III and IV consists of 45 members, Commission VII and Commission VIII have 44 members, Commission IX, Commission X, and Commission XI consisting of 44 members, Commission XII and XIII have 44 members.

Then the Deliberative Body (Bamus) consists of 58 members, the Legislation Body (Baleg) has 90 members, the Budget Agency (Banggar) 105 members, the State Financial Accountability Agency (BAKN) 19 members, the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP) totaling 45 members, the Honorary Council (MKD) 17 members, the Household Affairs Agency (BURT) totaling 25 members, then members of the special committee (Pansus) totaling 30 people, and the Community Aspiration Agency there are 19 members.

The DPR also agreed to determine the number and composition of the factions in the AKD leadership, with the following details:

For the number of commission leaders, there are 13 Chairmen in accordance with the Commission number and a total of 52 deputy chairmen. Meanwhile, for Baleg, Banggar, BAKN, BKSAP, MKD, BURT, and the Community Aspiration Agency each consist of 1 chairman and 4 deputy chairmen. So that the total number and composition of factions in the AKD leadership there are 20 chairmen and 80 vice chairmen.

Regarding the leadership of the faction composition in the leadership of the DPR AKD, the council agreed that the PDIP faction would get 4 chair positions and 16 deputy chairmen, Golkar 3 chairmen and 17 deputy chairmen, Gerindra 3 chairmen and 16 vice chairmen, NasDem 3 chairmen and 6 deputy chairmen, PKB 2 chairmen and 9 deputy chairmen, PKS 2 chairmen and 6 deputy chairmen, PAN 2 chairmen and 4 deputy chairmen, as well as Democrats 1 chairman and 6 deputy chairmen.

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