The Sampang Police have named a suspect in the murder of a woman from West Mambulu Village whose body was found floating in a water reservoir in the village in December 2023.

"The determination of this suspect after we carried out an investigation based on the results of the exhumation on July 24, 2024," said Head of the Sampang Police Detective and Criminal Unit AKP Sigit Nursiyo Dwiyugo in Sampang, East Java, Saturday.

The exhumation was the process of digging the graves to remove the buried bodies, then examined them scientifically for forensic medicine, because they were suspected of having an unnatural death.

The victim was named Siti Nur Aisyah, from Mambulu Barat Village, Tambelangan District, Sampang Regency. In December 2023, he was found dead in the reservoir of water sources in the village.

At that time, the victim was immediately buried. But the family suspected that Aisyah's death was unnatural, so they submitted an application to the police for an exhumation.

Furthermore, on July 24, 2024, a joint team from the Sampang Police and the East Java Regional Police carried out the demolition of Siti Nur Aisyah's grave and the victim's body was examined by the East Java Police forensic team.

"As a result, it was found that there were traces of violence on the head and back," said Sigit.

On that basis, he continued, his party carried out an investigation by examining a number of parties suspected of being involved in the case.

"From the series of investigations we carried out, we finally determined that there were suspects based on the evidence we found in the field," he said.

The suspect has the initials F and is currently being held at the Sampang Police Headquarters.

To account for his actions, the police charged the suspect with Article 340 of the Criminal Code (KUHP) on Premeditated Murder with a life sentence, or a maximum imprisonment of 20 years.

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