JAKARTA - Prospective Governor of Jakarta number 3 was hit by a street vendor (PKL) mother who used to trade in the Kota Tua area. This happened when Pramono blusukan was in Pinangsia, Tamansari, West Jakarta.

Initially, Pramono invited residents to submit aspirations during a dialogue session. A mother named Lilis told Pramono that now it is difficult for her to peddle her wares.

"Sir, please help me, the traders of Kota Tua, I represent all traders of Kota Tua. I want to ask, is it true that in Kota Tua it is no longer allowed to sell?" asked Lilis to Pramono, Thursday, October 10.

Lilis complained that she and other street vendors were often expelled and prohibited from selling by Satpol PP officers around the tourist area. Lilis Wondered why she seemed to be complicated in earning a living.

"I said, he said the Governor wanted to make his people prosperous. But why have I been fighting for my son, for my son's education, for my life, always evicted and evicted, sir?" said Lilis.

Responding to this, Pramono assessed that traders still need to be given space to peddle their wares. If it has to be brought under control, according to him, there is no need to be evicted.

"How to organize street vendors can still be given work space, but tidied up, not evicted, not kept away, because this is the main livelihood for life, not just to be luxurious, to live," said Pramono.

Lilis also agreed with Pramono's statement. However, Lilis questioned whether Pramono could be consistent with his statement. Because, in controlling activities, Lilis is always faced with officers who find it difficult to compromise.

"This is the father who spoke. But the subordinates, Satpol PP, all said 'this is the governor's decision, the sub-district head's decision'," said Lilis.

After being questioned, Pramono patted Lilis' shoulder, "I haven't been governor yet," said Pramono, greeted by laughter from residents who listened.

To Lilis, Pramono promised to make good arrangements for street vendors without forcibly expelling them. However, Pramono also advised traders to cooperate.

"We organize it well, but it's not allowed then that the name PKL-PKL makes it disordered and disturbs the whole thing. I'm sure people like you will be orderly. Why? That's for life, not for others," Pramono concluded.

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