JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives has confirmed that it will oversee the commitment of President-elect Prabowo Subianto to improve the welfare of judges following the mass leave of judges throughout Indonesia demanding a salary increase.

The DPR hopes that "deputy representatives" can return to carrying out their duties in the judicial process in Indonesia.

These judges have been defending to accept limited conditions, but indeed their situation is quite concerning due to a lack of attention from the Government. For years they have been waiting for an increase in welfare, but there has been no attention yet," said a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the PAN faction, Prince Khairul Saleh, Wednesday, October 9.

As is known, a number of judges who are members of the Indonesian Judge Solidarity (SHI) held an audience with the leadership of the DPR in the DPR Commission III room, Nusantara II Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, October 8, yesterday.

One of the SHI demands submitted at the hearing was related to the increase in the judge's basic salary. To the DPR, the judges conveyed that their current salary was not feasible because there had been no increase for 12 years or from 2012.

The condition of the judge's welfare is exacerbated by inflation every year. There is even a judge who considers their salary only as big as pocket money for the eldest son of a famous artist, Raffi Ahmad, Rafathar for three days.

The prince also felt sad about the situation. Because the judge's job is so heavy is not commensurate with their sweat.

"Actually, this is really sad. These judges have a noble duty but they themselves are not enlarged through welfare guarantees," he said.

In the hearing with the DPR yesterday, the story of a judge who was only able to return to his hometown after 4 years because he did not have the cost considering that he was assigned far from his area of origin. There are also judges who cannot attend parents' funerals due to economic conditions.

"We are very concerned about the condition of the judges. There should be awareness from the Government as the holder of the budget power. These judges work very hard. Not to mention those who work far in remote areas of the country with many limitations," said Pangeran.

At the hearing meeting, the leadership of the DPR has also stated that the DPR for the period 2024-2029 is ready to re-discuss the Draft Law (RUU) on the Position of Judge so that it becomes a legal basis in an effort to increase the position of judge.

The prince, who previously served as Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR, also encouraged the Government to revise Government Regulation (PP) Number 94 of 2012 which regulates the financial rights and facilities of judges.

"The judge's salary is currently considered inappropriate and far below the standard salary of the judge's profession in Southeast Asia. Judges must get the feasibility and honor so that they are not easily tempted by bribery in the world of law," said the legislator from the South Kalimantan I electoral district.

The leadership of the DPR has also directly called the elected President witnessed by the judges regarding this issue. Prabowo agreed that the welfare of the judges must be improved.

"There should have been more attention for the judges, especially regarding facilities for judges on duty in remote areas. But in fact, so far, our judges' condition has not been considered," concluded Prince.

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