JAKARTA - The Garut Police and the Department of Transportation are conducting an investigation to find out why the truck hit the madrasa building in Sindanggalih Village, Karangpawitan District, Garut Regency, West Java.

"We've checked again at the TKP (scene of the case). We checked the brakes and others," said Head of the Traffic Unit at the Garut Police, AKP Karyaman, quoted by Antara, Saturday, April 3.

The police together with a team of experts from the Garut Regency Transportation Service will investigate further to determine the feasibility of these trucks for transporting goods. Regarding the results, he said, the team from the Transportation Service would deliver directly.

"For the results, ask for time, later from the expert team of the Transportation Department. Later when there is a result we will convey it," he said.

Based on the results of the provisional inspection, the condition of the field is a derivative road. Even though the truck brakes are functioning, the potential for accidents is still there. "In plain view the road has indeed decreased, if you brake it but you cannot control the vehicle, it will still be damaging," he explained.

Based on information in the field, this is the first time a truck accident has hit the madrasa building. "From the new information, there was one incident there," he said.

The accident of a brick transport truck crashing into the Nurul Barokah Foundation building, Harendong Village, Sindanggalih Village, Karangpawitan District, occurred on Friday, April 2 at around 16.00 WIB.

As a result of this incident, a driver and two children died. Then seven people received medical treatment at the hospital.

"In the morning the remaining seven (people), there are four who have returned home, three are still being treated at the hospital, the condition of the last three we have not checked because they are still focused on the crime scene," he explained.

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