JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, said that the number of final commissions of his institution is scheduled to be announced on October 14, 2024.

"So on the 14th, it is possible that we will hold a meeting with faction leaders, and there we will convey the addition of the commission, if there is, and the addition of the AKD (board equipment, ed.). What is clear is that there is an increase in the AKD is the People's Aspiration Agency," said Dasco at the parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, October 7, confiscated by Antara.

Meanwhile, he explained that each faction in the DPR RI had mapped out members to be placed as AKD leaders.

Previously, Dasco had estimated the number of commissions as AKD DPR RI for the period 2024-2029 to amount to 12 to 13 commissions.

"So approximately that's the range between 12 or 13 (commissions, ed.). That hasn't been decided yet," said Dasco at the parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Friday, October 4.

On that occasion, he said that the formation and preparation of commissions in the DPR RI was still waiting for the nomenclature of ministries or government agencies to be formed.

"Given that we also have not received how many additional working partners from the DPR will be formed by the upcoming government," he said.

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