A parking attendant (jukir) died after being beaten by a group of people in the city of Medan, North Sumatra. The police who investigated this case managed to arrest three perpetrators involved in the persecution, while the other perpetrators who stabbed the victim were still being chased.

The victim, named Ardani Laila (29), was helpless after being beaten by the perpetrators in the Jalan Setia Budi area, Medan Selayang District, Medan City. He died while on his way to the hospital due to bleeding due to seven stab wounds to his body.

After two days of investigating based on the victim's family report, the Medan Sunggal Sector Police managed to secure three people who were suspected of being involved and have now been named suspects. The three suspects are Didi Yudi Wardana (38), his wife Rinawati Tarigan (40) who is the owner of the restaurant, and Hamzah Iqbal Tarigan (35), the younger brother of Rinawati.

Medan Sunggal Police Chief Kompol Bambang Hutabarat explained, based on the results of the investigation, the motive for this beating was related to a dispute over parking money. At that time, the suspect Hamzah Iqbal Tarigan was involved in an argument with the victim regarding parking fees in front of Didi and Rinawati's restaurant.

Because he did not accept being reprimanded, the victim left the location and then returned with two of his colleagues to meet the suspect Didi, who triggered an argument. Shortly thereafter, Hamzah came in his car and immediately abused the victim.

After that, Didi participated in the violence, and Rinawati also attacked the victim using a pari fish tail taken from his house.

"The three suspects admitted that they had beaten and kicked the victim. For the suspect Rina, the brother of the IT suspect, he also hit the victim with a pari fish tail according to witness testimony and CCTV footage at the scene," said Bambang, last Sunday.

Bambang added that the three suspects were not the main perpetrators of the stabbing, but they participated in the beating that caused the victim to die. The victim suffered seven stab wounds, namely six on the front of the body and one on the back.

"The one who stabbed outside of these three suspects. We suspect that other suspects stabbed the victim, so that seven stab wounds were on the victim's body," said Bambang.

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