JAKARTA - Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (E-TLE) has begun. Several regions in Indonesia have implemented electronic tickets.

Currently, only 12 Regional Police have implemented electronic ticketing using 244 cameras. In the future, 34 regions will implement this rule.

The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, said some time ago, the application of electronic tickets aims to increase public awareness in driving. Also, electronic ticketing aims to eliminate blackmail by officers against motorists.

"Why do we do this? This is part of our efforts to improve security, safety, order, and smooth traffic programs, of course, there need to be law enforcement efforts so that the process of implementing the activities of road users can truly be disciplined, can prioritize safety and of course, we respect other people who are fellow road users”, said the National Police Chief, General Listyo, March 23.

Then how do drivers avoid electronic tickets? The trick is to drive well and follow all traffic rules. Well, here's how you don't get an electronic ticket.

- Always obey traffic signs and road markings when you drive.

- For car drivers, wear seat belts, including passengers. Meanwhile, two-wheeled riders always wear a helmet and a passenger.

- Do not operate the cell phone while driving. Do not use a fake police number and do not speed when you are driving according to the provisions of the electronic ticket.

- Doesn't run a red light, doesn't go against the current

- For motorbikes to turn on the lights during the day.

Fines for those of you who violate or get an electronic ticket

- Using a cell phone while driving costs IDR 750,000 or 3 months imprisonment.

- Fighting the flow while driving a fine of IDR 500,000 or imprisonment for two months.

- Violating a traffic light is fined IDR 500,000 or imprisonment for up to 2 months.

- Violating road markings while driving is fined IDR 500,000 or imprisonment for up to 2 months.

- Not wearing a helmet while driving is fined IDR 250,000 or imprisonment for one month.

- Violating the validity of the STNK (Vehicle Registration Certificate) is fined IDR 500,000 or imprisonment for two months.

- Not using a seat belt while driving is fined IDR 250,000 or imprisonment for one month.

Where is the electronic ticketing CCTV camera?

CCTV cameras are located on the road. This camera will monitor various types of traffic violations. This camera capture becomes evidence that is sent to the officer for further identification using Electronic Registration and Identification (ERI).

Then the officer will send a letter of notification of violations caught by CCTV cameras to vehicle owners who violate traffic by mail. In the last step, the vehicle owner must confirm the violation via the website, the owner can also visit the Sub Directorate of Law Enforcement.

If you can't confirm, the owner's STNK will be temporarily blocked. Owners of vehicles subject to electronic ticketing are also required to pay fines through the bank or may attend court proceedings.

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