SUKABUMI - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Sukabumi Regency said that the results of the temporary data collection showed that 30 houses and two mosque units were damaged in Cipeuteuy and Cisarua Villages, Sukabumi Regency, West Java due to a tornado.

"There are two villages affected by the tornado that occurred today in Kabandungan District, namely Cipeuteuy and Cisarua Villages," said Head of Logistics and Regional Disaster Section of Sukabumi Regency BPBD Medi Abdul Hakim as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 2.

According to Medi, the results of data collection carried out by the Kabandungan District Disaster Management Officer (P2BK) showed that 30 damaged housing units were in Cisarua Village with details of 10 moderately damaged units and 20 lightly damaged units.

Meanwhile in Cipeuteuy Village, the number of buildings damaged is two units, which are mosques. However, in this village there have been no reports of residents' houses being damaged due to being affected by the tornado.

Then for the survivors who fled as many as 10 families (KK) or 34 people. They chose to flee to their relatives' homes because their houses were badly damaged.

"Data kerusakan ini masih sementara dan tidak menutup kemungkinan jumlahnya akan berubah. Tapi pada kejadian ini tidak ada laporan terkait korban jiwa maupun luka," tambahnya.

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