JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo congratulated him to commemorate Good Friday or Easter mass on this day. This remarks was stated in Jokowi's Instagram and Twitter social media accounts.

In the upload, Jokowi included an illustration of a crown of thorns, along with a Good Friday warning. In Christian teaching, a crown of thorns was placed on Jesus' head before being crucified to death.

Then, Jokowi also gave a message that now times of trouble are coming. However, he believes there will be convenience that will follow afterwards.

"Behind every difficulty humanity faces, behind every sacrifice, there will be convenience," Jokowi said on Friday, April 2.

In the run-up to Easter, the country was hit by terrorist attacks in a number of areas, namely the cathedral church in Makassar and the National Police Headquarters in South Jakarta. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic is still not over.

Security forces are on standby to secure vital locations ahead of the celebration. Last night, TNI Commander Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto also directly inspected the security carried out by joint personnel from the TNI and Polri at the Jakarta Cathedral Church.

The arrival of Hadi and his entourage at the Cathedral Church was welcomed by the Archbishop of Jakarta, Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo.

They talked about the security of the church carried out by the TNI and Polri after the acts of terrorism that took place at the Makassar Cathedral Church and the Jakarta Police Headquarters, a few days ago.

Hadi conveyed that the ranks of the TNI-Polri would increase vigilance and provide confidence and a sense of security for the community to carry out activities, both in carrying out worship and daily activities.

"For this reason, the TNI and Polri will deploy forces at selected points throughout Indonesia starting tonight, both in churches, crowded places and national vital objects. The activity will be carried out in a select and continuous manner, "said Hadi.

The TNI Commander also said that the TNI and Polri Intelligence continued to coordinate to carry out early detection and prevent possible vulnerabilities.

"Therefore, tonight I checked in the field and there have been as many as 5,590 members of the TNI and Polri at several points which we think must be strengthened for security," he said.

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