JAKARTA - Some time ago, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan liked to have a culinary tour in the capital city roadside food stalls. The moment he shared on social media.

When asked why he often visits street vendors (PKL), Anies admits that he wants to stretch the economy of MSMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The important thing is that the economy's businesses are starting to rise, especially the small and micro ones. We encourage them to grow," said Anies on Thursday, April 1.

Anies said he would continue to encourage street vendors to survive during the pandemic. He also admitted that he had often done this blusukan activity, not just recently.

"Actually, it continues to be done. From the first, the road has continued," he said.

Anies' blusukan activity has been uploaded recently on his social media accounts such as Instagram and Facebook. Anies once endorsed a warm rice stall in the Gondangdia area, Central Jakarta.

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Anies also exhibited a photo of himself eating green bean porridge in the Cipete area, South Jakarta. The former Minister of Education and Culture has also shared the moment of eating Aceh noodles at Ampera and catfish pecel in the Lebak Bulus area and Warung Sate Blora Cirebon.

At the moment of his culinary tour, Anies took part in exploring the stories of local traders, to buskers who approached the food stall location. He told the story in uploading photos on his social media.

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