The Sub-Directorate for Law Enforcement (Gakkum) of the Dit Polairud Polda Sultra arrested two perpetrators of making explosives or fish bombs in the Pesisir area of Anaiwoi Village, Tanggedata District, Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province (Sultra).

Director of Polairud Polda Sultra Kombes Faisal Napitupulu said the two perpetrators had the initials FR (15) and IK (17), respectively.

"During the arrest, a number of evidence related to this illegal activity were found, including fertilizer pangolins, 3 (three) sacks of fertilizer that had been smoothed, jerry cans containing pertalite fuel, detonators, dops, and other equipment used in the process of making Explosives," said Faisal Napitupulu when contacted in Kendari, Antara, Monday, September 30.

The arrests began when the team conducted an examination of a house suspected of being the site for the manufacture of FS explosives, which managed to escape during the arrest.

"In the house, FR and IK were arrested, and various pieces of evidence were found which were strongly suspected of illegal activities in making fish bombs," he said.

Faisal explained that after arresting the two perpetrators, his party then received additional information from the public regarding other evidence in Watubangga District.

"There, other evidence was found in the form of a pangolin machine and two sacks of fertilizer that had been milled around at the house of a resident named AR," explained Faisal.

He revealed that currently the two perpetrators and evidence have been secured at the Mako Dit Polairud Polda Sultra for further investigation. Meanwhile, for FS, his party is still pursuing him.

Faisal added that his party is committed to continuing to take firm action against the Explosives Makers who will be used to carry out fishing activities to protect marine ecosystems and protect the water environment from damage to coral reefs and marine biota.

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