JAKARTA The case of a commotion between residents in Balimester, Jatinegara District has a long tail. The woman with the initials L who is suspected of being online and molesting her customer, RS (46) was reported to the local police. The moneylender woman received two reports at once from her citizens.

Selain dilaporkan terkait kasus penganiayaan terhadap RS, wanita berinisial L alias EM juga kembali dilaporkan oleh Ketua RW 01 Kelurahan Rawa Bunga atas perkara memasuki halaman tanpa izin pemiliknya di Jalan Kemuning Mede, RT 06/01, Kelurahan Rawa Bunga, Kecamatan Jatinegara, Jakarta Timur.

Pelaku L datang ke rumah Ketua RW 01 Dwi Lestari untuk melabrak korban penganiayaan berinisial RS pada Rabu, 25 September, malam sekitar pukul 21.00 WIB.

The perpetrator was seen raging and angry at the house of the head of RW 01 Rawa Bunga which was not related to the debt problem.

"Initially on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, I came to a resident with the initials RS who wanted to report the problem of debt and abuse he experienced. But he came at 9 pm, got angry, screamed there. That's what disturbed me," said Dwi Lestari, Head of RW 01 Rawa Bunga Village when confirmed by VOI, Friday, September 27.

The perpetrator's action to collect debts from the hospital at the house of the head of RW 01 Dwi Lestari was caught on CCTV at the scene and was seen being angry while pointing at the hospital.

Furious at the woman's actions, Dwi Lestari again made a police report against L alias EM at the East Jakarta Metro Police. Dwi reported L alias EM for entering the yard of his house without permission and shouting to the point of a commotion.

"He screamed at my house to make a scene. I have reported it to the East Jakarta Metro Police," he said.

Dwi added that the arbitrary acts that L allegedly committed against local residents had often occurred. In fact, he often gets reports from his citizens that they have also been abused but not reported.

"Another victim, a resident of RT 05/01 named Ade's mother, Ade's husband, Nina as their child, has repeatedly complained to me about the abuse. She (the woman with the initials L) is often arrogant towards neighbors," he said.

Previously, it was reported that a woman with the initials RS (46) became a victim of abuse by the perpetrator who was suspected of being a moneylender or a cash lender with high interest rates to residents.

The incident took place in Bendungan Village, RT 10/06, Balimester Village, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta, when the perpetrator with the initials L was collecting debts to the victim.

In the police report number: LP/B/3105/IX/2024/SPKT/East Jakarta Metro Police/Polda Metro Jaya, the incident occurred on Tuesday, September 24. Initially, the perpetrator came to the victim's house to collect the debt.

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