JAKARTA - The National Police's Propam Division has attracted the Polda Metro Jaya in a series of investigations by police officers in a series of handling cases of the discovery of seven bodies in Kali Bekasi.

The Head of the Propam Police Division, Inspector General Abdul Karim, said that one form of assistance in handling the case was asking the Propam Polda Metro Jaya to involve external parties.

"In principle, we provide assistance that in handling this case it must involve external parties," Karim told reporters, Thursday, September 26.

The involvement of external parties such as the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) and Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) to maintain objectivity and transparency in the examination or investigation of the case.

"To be open, transparent, and objective. Not only from our internals. That's what we encourage. Involve the community, involve Kompolnas, IPW, or other institutions," he said.

So far, 17 police officers have been questioned by the Propam Division of the Polda Metro Jaya. If from the results of the investigation, violations are found, then strict sanctions will be given.

"If there is a violation found by our members, we will take firm action, so we will give it to the Metro Police, but we provide assistance, we have to do this, do this so that the public will be transparent with us, if we find the wrong members, we must act, we must not act," said Karim.

Previously, the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary said as many as 17 police officers were questioned by the Propam Bid Polda Metro Jaya regarding the deaths of seven teenagers in Kali Bekasi.

"17 members were examined. Some were members of the patrol and members of the Rawalumbu Police and Jatiasih Police," said Ade.

In addition, Propam Polda Metro Jaya also conducts checks on other communities.

"There were 7 people who were arrested and rescued, as well as 3 suspects who carried sharp weapons who were investigated by the Bekasi Police. They were also investigated," said Ade.

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