The discourse on the addition of commissions being discussed by the DPR is the impact of the plan to add ministries by the Elected Presidential Government, Prabowo Subianto. The addition of board equipment (AKD) is to ensure that the DPR's control function of the Government is effective.

"The discourse on adding commissions in the DPR is an anticipatory step for the new government to add ministry posts. This is a natural thing and is a consequence of the new Government's plan to add ministries," said Political Communication Observer Ari Junaedi, Thursday, September 26.

According to Ari, the plan to add commissions in the DPR is not only important to increase the effectiveness of supervision, but also to ensure that each new ministry has a clear and structured control function.

"That way the DPR can carry out its supervisory role optimally and prevent ministries from being missed from being monitored," he said.

"Therefore, the addition of the DPR commission is a logical consequence of the addition of ministries by the government," continued Ari.

The Director of the Political Studies Institute, Nusakom Pratama, reminded that the DPR's wrong task is the supervisory function. Therefore, according to Ari, the addition of the ministerial nomenclature of course requires certain commissions that are adjusted to their main duties.

"In fact, the addition of ministries has been anticipated by the DPR so that the control function of the Council continues. Do not let a new ministry not be covered by the supervision of existing commissions," explained the teacher of the Postgraduate Program at various universities.

Ari said the plan to form a new commission was an anticipatory effort by the DPR to ensure that all aspects of programs and policies in the new Government could be monitored efficiently.

"Because checks and balances must be balanced. If the existing commission in the DPR is added to the burden of new ministry partners, then the control can not be maximized. Not to mention in terms of legislative and budgeting functions which are also not easy, "explained Ari.

The government of Elected President Prabowo Subianto is currently preparing a program that will help in implementing its policies. One of them is with a plan to increase the number of ministries, where the discourse can already be carried out after the passing of the Law on Amendments to Law Number 39 of 2008 concerning the Ministry of State.

In his cabinet later, Prabowo plans to release the Directorate of Taxes from the auspices of the Ministry of Finance. In addition, there is also a discourse on the formation of a new Ministry or agency that manages Prabowo's flagship program, namely free lunch.

Ari said that the additional new ministries and agencies certainly needed the appropriate AKD or commission in the DPR.

"With the addition of a new ministry or agency, a commission is also needed that is in line with the specific supervisory function," he said.

"If there is no addition of commissions, there is a risk that the new ministry is not covered by existing supervision, thus affecting the effectiveness of supervision and implementation of government programs," added Ari.

Ari assessed that the plan to add this commission was so that the DPR could carry out in-depth supervision of issues related to the relevant ministries. In terms of evaluation, this policy is very important so that work programs from the government can be implemented properly and benefit the community.

"This is an important step towards sustainable development and increasing public confidence in state institutions," said Ari.

Previously, the Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, said that the discourse on the establishment of AKD as a step by the DPR to accommodate the possibility of adding ministries in the government of the Elected President, Prabowo Subianto. However, the plan is still being discussed.

"This is being finalized, right with the plan to add more ministries, it seems that there may be additional commissions," said Puan Maharani of the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (24/9).

Puan emphasized that the implementation of the formation of a new commission in the DPR must be in accordance with applicable provisions and mechanisms.

"So we are working on it, and according to the mechanism, we will implement it according to the mechanism," said the first woman who served as Chair of the DPR RI.

Regarding the election of the leadership of the new DPR commission if the addition of the AKD is carried out, Puan said it is hoped that it can be met through a deliberation mechanism for consensus from all factions of the DPR. He conveyed this when asked by reporters about the potential for division of positions for factions in the DPR with the addition of AKD.

"Later we will do (the election of the head of the commission or the new AKD) according to the mechanism and we will discuss it in accordance with deliberation and consensus, that," said Puan.

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