Golkar Legislator Adde Rosi Khoerunnisa Requesting Blocking Of Radical Understanding Sites
Member of Commission III DPR RI Adde Rosi Khoerunnisa (Photo: Instagram @ adderosi.official)

JAKARTA - Member of Commission III DPR RI Adde Rosi Khoerunnisa urged the government to block websites spreading radicalism. Following the rampant acts of terrorism involving young people lately.

"Cross ministries or institutions, for example with Kominfo, so that sites that spread radical ideas are blocked so that the public cannot access them," said Adde, Thursday, April 1.

According to the Golkar legislator, the successive terror incidents in recent days have seriously disturbed public security and peace. Moreover, according to the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), the number of suspected terrorists could reach around 6,000.

Adde also appealed to the authorities to thoroughly reveal the terrorist network to its roots. "As well as the fulfillment of accurate information to the public so that panic does not arise," he said.

DPR Commission III, he said, would support the BNPT's budget increase to anticipate and take precautions related to acts of terrorism.

"Commission III is committed to always supporting the need for both arrest and deradicalization," he said.

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