The National Awakening Party (FPKB) faction asked the leadership of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR RI) to issue an administrative affirmation letter of MPR Decree Number II/MPR/2001 concerning the Accountability of the 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia KH Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) no longer valid.

This affirmation letter is needed to restore Gus Dur's good name.

Chairman of the MPR PKB faction, Jazilul Fawaid, explained that the MPR TAP is automatically no longer valid with the TAP MPR RI Number I/MPR/2003 concerning Review of the Materials and Legal Status of MPRS Decree and MPR RI Decree from 1960 to 2002.

"We ask the leadership of the MPR RI to provide an administrative affirmation letter to explain to the public that the TAP MPR Number II/MPR/2001 is no longer valid," said Jazilul in his statement, Tuesday, September 24.

"With the letter of affirmation from the MPR leadership, it can restore Gus Dur's good name as a former President who has contributed a lot to this nation and state," he added.

The application has also been submitted at the Joint Meeting of Leaders and the MPR Faction in Tangerang City, Banten, yesterday. Jazilul said the joint meeting of the MPR RI had concluded that he would immediately follow up and respond to the request submitted by the MPR PKB faction.

The Deputy Chairperson of the MPR said that this step was part of PKB's continued efforts to propose the title of National Hero to Gus Dur. This step is also part of the MPR's spirit to carry out national reconciliation.

"The letter which will be issued by the MPR will be one of the boosters for KH Abdurrahman Wahid to be given the title of National Hero," said Jazilul.

The man who is familiarly called Gus Jazilul said PKB also appreciated the steps taken by the MPR RI leadership who had previously submitted a letter from the MPR leadership regarding the no longer validity of TAP MPRS Number XXXIII/MPRS/1967 concerning the Revocation of State Power from President Soekarno. With the revocation of the TAP, Soekarno's accusations of taking sides with the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) were officially revoked.

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