JAKARTA - The police have begun simulating the closure of a number of roads in Jakarta that are connected to the supporting cities.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said this simulation was carried out as a preparation for and following up on government steps in anticipating the spread of COVID-19. This simulation has only been conducted for the ranks of the National Police.

"But it is true that based on government policy there will be even higher increases in matters such as regional quarantine, what the police are ready and ready to do," Yusri said in Jakarta, Monday, March 30.

This simulation is in line with the government's prohibition to return to their hometowns. When this road closure policy is implemented, the National Police will cooperate with other parties, such as the TNI, Jasa Marga, and the provincial government.

Although he admitted that there had been a simulation, Yusri had not yet explained which point would be closed. Because, he said, the police were still collecting data on the roads that would be closed.

"But we often do it (road closures), for example, to secure the presidential election, all we do a simulation first. So in order to remind members, so that one vote can be controlled, all of this is for simulation," said Yusri.

Previously, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan sent a request for regional quarantine aimed at preventing the spread of the corona virus or COVID-19 in his area. The letter numbered 143 dated 28 March 2020 and was received by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD on Sunday, 29 March.

The reason Anies asked for a regional quarantine permit was because every day, Jakarta experienced a surge in positive corona virus patients. As of today, there have been 720 positive cases of COVID-19 in DKI.

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