JAKARTA - KPK Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring Pahala Nainggolan said the administrative process related to reports on the use of private jets submitted by the Chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Kaesang Pangarep had been completed. He has conveyed it to the leadership.

"It's finished. Today I send it to the leadership later the leadership will convey it," Pahala told reporters in a written statement, Monday, September 23.

Pahala said the announcement was not made by him even though the Directorate of Gratification of the KPK was under his deputy. "Later the leadership will announce it," he said.

Meanwhile, when asked about the exact time for the delivery of the results, Pahala only answered briefly. "It's like tomorrow, yes," he said.

The spokesperson for the KPK, Tessa Mahardika, has not informed about the exact time of the announcement regarding the follow-up to the report of President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) son. He said this step was still waiting for the administrative completion.

"Until now, the KPK is still in the administrative settlement process for reporting gratuities for KP brothers," he said when confirmed by VOI.

Tessa said this administrative process was not only in the Directorate of KPK Gratification, but also in the Directorate of Public Service and Reporting (PLPM). So, it still takes time.

It is known that the KPK has also received two complaints about the use of private jets by Kaesang. Those who complained were the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) and the University of Jakarta (UNJ) lecturer Ubaidillah Badrun.

In its report, the Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) Boyamin Saiman conveyed that an MoU for cooperation between the Solo City Government and PT Shopee Indonesia International was related to the development of MSMEs. He suspects that the jet aircraft used by Kaesang and his wife, Erina Gudono, was facilitated by the company.

Meanwhile, a lecturer at the Jakarta State University (UNJ), Ubaidillah Badrun, reported Kaesang's luxurious lifestyle with his wife who used a private jet to the United States.

"If there is information related to this matter, we will convey it," said the spokesman with the investigator's background.

As previously reported, the General Chairperson of PSI who is also the son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Kaesang Pangarep, had conveyed to the KPK about the use of the private jet facility he used during a trip to the United States with his wife, Erina Gudono on Tuesday, September 17. He claims that he took a plane belonging to his friend who was going to travel to the same route.

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