JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, is lined up to be the supervisor of the National Values Establishment Ceremony for Members of the Indonesian House of Representatives and the Indonesian House of Representatives elected for the 2024-2029 Period. The message is that the people's representatives focus on the interests and welfare of the people.

This event was held by the Indonesian KPU and the National Defense Institute (Lemhanas) at the Shangrila Hotel, Jakarta, Saturday, September 21, and was attended by members of the DPR RI and the DPD RI elected for the period 2024-2029.

"A beautiful struggle is remembered for those who succeed, it becomes difficult for those who have not succeeded, have difficulty eating, have difficulty sleeping, some even find it difficult to get back up," said Puan.

He said that the task of becoming a representative of the people must be used to carry out the sovereignty of the people because they are elected through the election process from the voice of the people who have believed.

Puan then mentioned that Indonesia is currently facing various challenges and reminded the elected council members for the 2024-2029 period who will be sworn in on October 1 so that they can participate in overcoming these challenges.

"We must be able to solve various structural problems, in order to get out of the middle income trap," said the first woman to serve as Chair of the DPR RI.

The various challenges that Puan is referring to are structural problems in national development, such as in terms of food sovereignty, energy, economic inequality, poverty, job creation, national industry, populist economy, human resources (HR) and so on.

"The demographic bonus must be optimized as well as possible so that it does not become a demographic burden that hinders the progress of the nation and state," added Puan.

Not only a constitutional problem, Indonesia is also said to be facing the issue of globalization of culture and value. For this reason, Puan said that members of the council are also required to be able to strengthen nation and character building in building national culture.

"If the culture that develops in Indonesian territory is allowed to naturally, then it is not impossible that transnational culture will become the host in this country. There will no longer be Indonesian identity, an identity that can be proud of," said Bung Karno's grandson.

"This is our challenge in the future, which requires joint work, mutual cooperation from all stakeholders; we, the DPR RI and DPD RI, must be able to intervene in state policies that are effective both in terms of state political policies, legal politics, development politics, and budget politics," added Puan.

The DPR RI and DPD RI as state institutions that are also political institutions, according to Puan, must be able to lay down the state policies they produce while prioritizing greater interests.

"Unifying the people in the spirit of mutual cooperation, maintaining the unity and integrity of the nation and state," he explained.

"Our commitment, members of the DPR RI and DPD RI, was built on the awareness and understanding that we are a nation and a country consisting of various ethnicities, beliefs, religions, languages, cultures, living in various islands of the archipelago," continued Puan.

Furthermore, Puan said that the elected council members had an obligation to maintain and care for the Indonesian people, which amounted to more than 280 million people with their diversity.

"So every state policy must be placed for the interests of the nation and state, and not only for the own group or group but must be placed in the common interests of the nation and state," he said.

Puan also said that Indonesia can strengthen national unity and integrity, diversity, and diversity, in so much diversity just because it has Pancasila as the ideology of national and state life as well as the soul of the Indonesian nation.

"Being a challenge and our common task, especially for us, members of the DPR RI and DPD RI, in every country's resulting policy must be in line with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, maintain the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia, and unite the people in the spirit of single ika Bhinneka," explained Puan.

On the other hand, elected members of the DPR and DPD are reminded to play an active role in building compliance with the law because Indonesia is a State of Law. As a state institution that also forms a law, submitted by Puan, the DPR and DPD are obliged to carry out their duties and authorities that must be in harmony and adhere to the law.

Members of the DPR RI and DPD RI, in their oath of office, also stated that they would fight for the aspirations of the people. Therefore, members of the DPR RI and DPD RI must always meet with the people in their electoral districts, to find out the various aspirations and even criticisms conveyed," said the Legislator from the Central Java V electoral district.

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