JAKARTA - Jakarta Governor Pramono Anung's candidate for governor will hold a dialogue and question and answer session with the community entitled "Another Pram". An event with a similar concept was previously carried out by Anies Baswedan during the 2024 presidential election, named "Desak Anies".

In the event, Pramono revealed the ideas he brought in the Jakarta gubernatorial election. Pramono also answered all questions from the public who were present regarding various problems in Jakarta.

Pramono admitted that he did not intend to imitate Anies' way of expressing his vision and mission in the regional elections and responding to residents' complaints. This activity, according to him, is common for potential leaders.

"Acara seperti ini sebenarnya sudah biasa di dalam calon seseorang yang mau menjadi Gubernur, apa pun. Di negara maju, ini bagian dari proses demokrasi yang ada. Bukan sesuatu yang baru," kata Pramono usai acara Nyalain Pram di M Bloc Space, Jakarta Selatan, Sabtu, 21 September.

However, Pramono admitted that the event he was running, such as Desak Anies, was very effective in accommodating the aspirations of residents to be stated if they were elected governor of Jakarta.

"With an event like this, with what Mas Anies has ever done, and also by others, I think it is very good to use to absorb, listen to people's aspirations. I get a lot of something I never imagined," he said.

On that occasion, Pramono assessed that a candidate leader must have the courage to accept any criticism from the people. This includes meeting the demands of citizens to improve their welfare.

"This opens up extraordinary things for me personally to be able to listen to people's aspirations. I thank you in this way. I am a very happy person to be criticized. Anyone who can be criticized, then he will be strong," he concluded.

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