JAKARTA - The price of cigarettes in Indonesia is still considered too cheap, so it makes Indonesia occupy the second position in the world for interest in adult male smokers (58.4 percent) and the 23rd highest overall (31.0 percent).

Director of the Center of Human and Economic Development (CHED) of the Institute of Technology and Business Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta (ITB-AD), Roosita Meilani Dewi said it was important to increase even excise to reduce the negative impact of cigarette consumption.

"The even increase in Tobacco Product Excise (CHT) can avoid downtrading and reduce the negative impact of multiplier effect and negative externality, so it is proposed to increase cigarette excise by at least 25 percent per year equally and evenly for all types of cigarettes, considering that the Excise Law stipulates an average cigarette excise of up to 57 percent but has never been fully implemented," he said in his official statement, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, September 21.

Meanwhile, cigarette excise expert from the University of Indonesia, Abdillah Ahsan suggested that policy makers always jointly support the increase in cigarette excise prices, both central and local governments, to create a healthy community ecosystem.

In his research conducted in various regions such as Lampung, Bali, and Yogyakarta, it showed that excise duty was effective in reducing cigarette consumption.

Meanwhile, the diversification of tobacco plantations and the handling of illegal cigarettes can use the profit-sharing funds for tobacco excise.

"The increase in cigarette prices needs to be fully supported by stakeholders in the regions. The health burden related to cigarette consumption is very large, and excise can be an effective solution to reduce consumption," he said.

Agreeing with Rosita and Abdillah Ahsan, Udayana Central Chair, Putu Ayu Swandewi Astuti revealed that controlling cigarette consumption through excise optimization is important to control the number of smokers in all spectra of society, whether they have not smoked or have smoked, adults or young people.

"In an effort to increase the level of public health and reduce the burden on the country, the number of smokers must be seriously suppressed from various aspects of control," he said.

Meanwhile, an increase in cigarette excise is also needed to prevent the convenience of the public in accessing cigarette sales, including cigarette bars and preventing the sale of cheap cigarettes to cover the potential for sales to children. As is known, the price of cigarettes in Indonesia is still relatively cheap, which is an average of 2.87 US dollars or equivalent to Rp44,485 per pack, far below the world average price which has reached 5.8 US dollars or Rp. 89,900 which is considered one of the factors causing the high number of smokers.

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