JAKARTA - The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) stated that various issues related to the XXI Aceh-North Sumatra National Sports Week (PON) became an important note of the government.

"This will be a note for us. If we look at the host side, the next PON will be held in NTB and NTT Provinces, then assistance will be provided from the start in preparation, both infrastructure, governance, and other preparations for the implementation of a better PON," said Deputy for Coordination of the Mental Revolution, Cultural Advancement, and Sports Achievement of the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture Warsito in an official statement, Wednesday, September 18, which was confiscated by Antara.

He explained that various problems occurred and became the public's spotlight on social media, ranging from consumption that did not meet the standards, the arena for matches that had not been completed, and even the referee's beating was carried out by Central Sulawesi athletes in soccer matches when they faced Aceh.

"Regarding the referee's attitude which injures the values of sportsmanship, the PON Task Force ensures that this does not happen again and will be given sanctions for those who violate it. In addition, in this PON it is necessary to highlight extraordinary achievements, considering that until now there have been 78 record-breaking from various sports," he said.

Details of national sports records recorded during PON XXI Aceh-North Sumatra, namely from athletics 12 numbers, swimming 10 numbers, diving 13 pool number, weightlifting two numbers, weightlifting 11 numbers, long rock branch four numbers, and shooting 26 numbers.

"It is important to provide training to referees or judges so that they can uphold the value of professionalism in leading matches and the same problem will not happen again," he said.

Regarding infrastructure that has not been completed, said Warsito, functionally the arena can be used for matches, but the arrangement of the arena area is still not ready and will be completed until the PON is complete.

He said the commitment to supporting the implementation of PON had also been stated in the President's decision.

"The central government has conveyed its commitment to supporting the implementation of PON with the establishment of the XXI PON and XVII PEPARNAS Guard Task Force through Presidential Decree Number 24 of 2024," he said.

He emphasized that the government will take important lessons from the 21st PON to coordinate better so that it can improve the ecosystem for athletes so that they continue to excel in the next matches.

"Finally, for athletes, this PON should be a turning point for better achievements, cross-sectoral coordination is running optimally and can be held with four categories of success, namely successful administration, successful achievement, successful implementation, and economic success," said Warsito.

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