Spokesperson for the Ridwan Kamil-Suswono (RIDO) pair Muhammad Kholid revealed the benefits for Jakarta residents if RIDO wins in the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election. One of them, the RIDO pair can realize their programs more quickly.

The RIDO pair is targeting to win the Jakarta Pilkada in one round. This target was made so that this couple can accelerate the solutions of various problems in Jakarta, so that residents are expected to be able to be happier and more prosperous.

"Win one round is certainly better (for Jakarta residents, ed). If RIDO wins one round then it is a victory for the citizens of Jakarta because those who benefit from this victory are actually residents of Jakarta," said Kholid, Wednesday, September 18.

Moreover, continued Kholid, the programs made by RIDO are based on the aspirations that have been conveyed by Jakarta residents. That way, according to him, Jakarta residents can get a solution faster than their aspirations.

According to Kholid, RIDO wants to create faster quality employment opportunities, especially for young people. This is also one of the aspirations conveyed by residents about the difficulty of job opportunities in Jakarta, especially for young people.

"The creation of this job will, among other things, be driven by the creative economy sector consisting of 16 sub-sectors including fashion, music, culinary, and interior design," he said.

In addition to job opportunities, continued Kholid, RIDO also has programs to deal with floods, congestion to pollution. For congestion, he said, RIDO will expand access to public transportation, especially TransJakarta to agglomeration areas such as Bekasi, Bogor, and Tangerang.

"Because there are more than 3 million people who commute every day," said the PKS politician.

In addition, Kholid said, RIDO also wants to build vertical housing in the middle of Jakarta so that people can be closer to economic activity. That way, people can live closer to their workplace.

"As a result, pollution can be suppressed and the quality of life for Jakarta residents can be increased," he said.

According to Kholid, RIDO has prepared a strategy to be able to realize the target of winning one round. He said, consolidation to the level of cadres has been carried out and has been working to knock on the door of Jakarta residents' houses to the RT RW level.

"Strong consolidation and good cooperation from these various levels are expected to reach all Jakarta residents," said Kholid.

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