Panca Darmansyah filed an appeal against the death penalty handed down by the South Jakarta District Court (PN) judge for his actions of killing 4 biological children and molesting his wife.

"We are filing an appeal, Your Excellency," said Panca's lawyer, Amriadi Pasaribu in the South Jakarta District Court courtroom, Tuesday, September 17.

After the trial was over, Amriadi explained that his party filed an appeal because according to him there was still justice for the defendant (Panca). Moreover, Panca is considered to have a psychological or mental disorder.

"We are submitting the appeal for justice. This act is very wrong, no human wants to kill their child, so we gave an appeal earlier," Amriadi said at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, September 17.

Previously, the Panca Darmansyah, the Panca South Jakarta District Court, sentenced Panca to death for his behavior in killing four biological children in the Jagakarsa area, South Jakarta.

"Sentenced the defendant Panca darmansyah therefore with the death penalty," said Chief Judge Sulistyo M Dwi Putro in the main courtroom of the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, September 17.

The thing that burdens Panca Darmansyah on her sentence is that it does not reflect as a good father. Then, committing an act that is very despicable and contrary to the law. In addition, it also hurts the sense of justice and humanity towards the victims and justice of the community.

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