A prisoner of prison inmates (WBP) Class I A Makassar Detention Center named Junaedi alias Pato bin Daeng Baba who escaped was arrested by the Mobile Investigation Team (Resmob) of the South Sulawesi Police.

"Alhamdulillah, within 2x24 hours, finally WBP Junaedi was found and is currently being secured in the red cell of the Makassar Detention Center," said Head of the Makassar Jayadikusumah Detention Center, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 17.

WBP Junaedi was arrested on Tuesday (17/9) at around 04.00 WITA in the Tanralili area, Maros Regency, after a 2x24 hour search was carried out since running away on Sunday (15/9).

He also expressed his appreciation for the hard work and solid cooperation between his staff and the South Sulawesi Police Resmob Team which continued to pursue until the arrest of the escaped prisoner.

"We really appreciate this cooperation. Of course, there will be an evaluation of this incident so that it does not happen again in the future," he stressed.

Meanwhile, Head of the Correctional Division of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kanwil Kemenkumham) of South Sulawesi Agung Aribawa reminded all Heads of Prisons and Detention Centers in South Sulawesi to tighten and carry out their duties according to standard operating procedures (SOP) and existing regulations.

"Friends in prisons and detention centers must always be vigilant and continue to improve early detection of the possibility or vulnerability in prisons and detention centers. This is to prevent negative things such as the entry of prohibited goods and the running of WBP. Please tighten security and security in detention centers and prisons," he said.

Head of the Makassar Detention Center Security Unit Andi Erdiyangsah Bahar revealed that Junaedi was declared to have committed a serious offense for escaping from detention.

The prisoner was subject to sanctions in the form of Register F, which resulted in the revocation of his right to obtain an integration program in the form of conditional leave (CB) or parole (PB).

"With this sanction, Junaedi's right to be integrated to obtain conditional leave (CB) or parole (PB) is automatically revoked," he said.

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