LOMBOK - Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB) Muhammad Zainul Majdi gave a long speech on the noble role of women. Is this a hard code of support for the candidate for Governor of West Nusa Tenggara, Siti Rohmi Djalilah.

This was conveyed at the Commemoration of NWDI's 89th Anniversary (Hultah) which was held in Pancor, East Lombok, Sunday, September 15.

In his speech, TGB brought up the important role of women in Islam, by raising discussions discussed in an international forum in Uzbekistan, which was attended by one of the Grand Syekhs of Al Azhar University in Cairo, which was also present at the NWDI Hultah event in Pancor.

TGB said that the view of Islam which glorifys women, including how respect for them has been recognized since the time of the Prophet Muhammad.

"The meeting initiated by the United Nations on women's matters, how Islam views women. From Uzbekistan, he conveyed at the forum about the views of Islam which glorify women, after that he flew to Lombok," said TGB quoted from Antara.

This statement is considered as a form of TGB support for Ummi Rohmi, who is also in the spotlight as a female figure in the 89th NWDI Hultah event.

As a candidate for the Governor of NTB, Ummi Rohmi, who is none other than TGB's older brother, is not only known for his role in politics, but also his work in education and social affairs.

Meanwhile, Siti Rohmi Djalilah strengthened TGB's message about the importance of taking part according to their respective abilities.

"We must take part according to our respective capacities. This struggle involves thousands of madrasas, hundreds of thousands of students, activists, and NWDI lovers," said Rohmi.

He added that cohesiveness is the main key in achieving success, especially in struggles in various fields, including education.

"Of course, if you want to be successful in the struggle, both in education and in other fields, the key is to be united in strengthening the struggle," continued Ummi Rohmi, her nickname.

TGB's speech and Ummi Rohmi's statement further confirmed the important role of women in social, education, and politics order.

The commemoration of the 89th NWDI Hultah is also expected to be a momentum to continue to strengthen the role and contribution of women in regional, national and religious development.

"The end of the 89th year further strengthens us to continue to do what is best for the people, nation and religion, according to our respective capacities. Be whatever we are, but be the best, like Mr. TGB said earlier," said Rohmi.

The 89th Hultah NWDI, apart from being attended by a number of invitations from Al Azhar University in Cairo, also attended by a National figure who is also a former Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Mahdfud MD, who recently became a candidate for TGB.

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