BABEL - Welcoming the data of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, business actors in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands added to the supply of chicken meat of up to 15 tons. This is done to anticipate the surge in demand from the surrounding community while maintaining commodity price stability.

"We hope that this additional stock can maintain the stability of this chicken price," said Head of the Babel Islands Province Industry and Trade Office Tarmin AB in Pangkalpinang, Sunday, as reported by ANTARA.

He said the stock of broiler meat in five distributors on Saturday (14/9) was 397.2 tons and with the addition of 15 tons, the total stock of chicken meat reached 412.2 tons and enough to meet the needs of the community to welcome the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Likewise, the stock of frozen beef is 25,100 tons and added 2,000 tons, so the total stock of frozen beef this week has reached 27,100 tons.

Meanwhile, the stock of frozen buffalo is empty, because business actors no longer supply it because people's interest in buffalo meat is lacking.

"Currently, the price of chicken and frozen beef is still stable, because the stock is quite abundant," he said.

He stated that currently the price of broiler meat is still stable in the range of Rp. 32,000 to Rp. 35,000 per kilogram or depending on the quality of the chicken meat.

The price of village chicken lasts Rp. 65,000 per kilogram, the price of frozen beef still lasts Rp. 100,000 per kilogram, or lower than the price of fresh cattle.

The price of fresh beef in the back thigh or 1 product is Rp. 130,000 per kilogram, the front thigh is Rp. 130,000 per kilogram, the garung lambur (optional) is Rp. 90,000 per kilogram and is swallowed by Rp. 70,000 per kilogram.

"We would like to thank business actors who have helped local governments in maintaining stock and price stability, so that people can buy various necessities at affordable prices to welcome this religious holiday," he said.

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