SITUBONDO - Balai Taman Nasional Situbondo, East Java, said that the forest and land fires (karhutla) that occurred at the Bajulmati Resort in the national park area of Blok Cobik reached 2.18 hectares.

"When a fire broke out, our officers who were on standby at the post immediately went down to the location and immediately extinguished the fire," said Head of the Situbondo Baluran National Park Office Johan Setiawan as reported by ANTARA, Friday, September 13.

According to him, the forest and land fires in the national park area burned the leaves of teak trees and dried weeds from the edge of Jalan Raya Pantura.

Officers extinguished the fire using a charter jet (tas containing water or back pump) and traditional tools, namely geopyok, including a tank car belonging to Balai TN Baluran.

"Fires in the forest so far have been limited to the surface of the teak forest floor along the Situbondo-Banyuwangi pantura highway," said Johan.

Meanwhile, Public Relations officer of the Baluran National Park Situbondo Rio Wibowo said the fire was extinguished in addition to using geopyok and a booster jet.

"The Balan forest area on the 22 kilometer pantura route has the potential for a fire because many motorists throw cigarette butts carelessly or deliberately burn dry teak leaves," he said.

Rio Wibowo said the cause of the fire was still under investigation and it was strongly suspected that the fire originated from human negligence because the fire started on the side of the Baluran forest area.

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