The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is investigating a company suspected of managing a coal mine owned by former Kutai Kartanegara Regent Rita Widyasari. This step was taken by investigators by examining nine witnesses on Thursday, September 12 yesterday.

"The examination was carried out at the BPKP office for the East Java Province Representative," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardika to reporters in a written statement, Friday, September 13.

Tessa detailed that the nine people examined consisted of three shareholders of PT Bara Kumala Sari, namely R; FJ; and M; and MSA; NH; AE; TSP; AL; and I as entrepreneurs. All witnesses are present," he said.

Meanwhile, based on the information obtained, the details of the witnesses summoned were Spiritual, Fitri Juanedi, Masdari as the shareholder of PT Bara Kumala Sakti. Then Mohd was also examined. Said Amin; Nabil Husein; Achmad Efendi or H. Efendi; Trias Slamet Prihardi; Ayu Lestari; and Iskandar as entrepreneur.

"Investigators are investigating companies related to the management of Rita Widyasari's coal mine," said Tessa.

As previously reported, Rita Widyasari was named a suspect along with Commissioner of PT Media Bangun Bersama, Khairudin on January 16, 2018. Both are suspected of washing money from the results of project and licensing gratuities at the Kutai Kertanegara Provincial Government worth Rp436 billion.

Rita is currently a resident of Pondok Bambu Women's Prison, East Jakarta because she was proven to have received gratuities of Rp. 110.7 billion and bribes of up to Rp. 6 billion from permit applicants and project partners. He had to serve a sentence of 10 years in prison which was handed down by the Jakarta Corruption Court on July 6, 2018.

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