SUKABUMI - The number of residents of Sukabumi Regency, West Java, who are suspected of being victims of a criminal act of trafficking in persons (TPPO) and being held captive in Myanmar is expected to increase.

The victims of TIP are reportedly forced to work as admins on online gambling sites. They are currently being held in inhumane conditions.

The head of the Sukabumi Regency Indonesian Migrant Workers Union (SBMI), Jejen Nurjanah, said that based on data compiled by SBMI, there were 11 Sukabumi residents from several sub-districts and villages who were victims of trafficking in persons in Myanmar.

In detail, seven people from Kebonpedes Village, two from Jambenenggang Village, one from Cireunghas Village, and the other from Cipurut Village, Cireunghas District.

Jejen said the number of victims was likely to increase, given the many reports received by the village. Most recently, SBMI Sukabumi received a report from Cireunghas Village that there were other victims' friends who also went to Myanmar.

"There is no additional case yet, but there is already information from residents of Cireunghas District, it is possible that there are still friends (who are victims of TTPO)," said Jejen

Meanwhile, Kebonpedes Sub-district Head Nani Rusyanti said most of the victims of TIP came from Kebonpedes District.

According to Nani, the victims were initially promised jobs in Thailand with the lure of high salaries of up to Rp. 35 million per month. However, upon arrival in Thailand, they were brought by the company to Myanmar and employed as admins on online gambling sites.

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