TANGERANG - A male body was found dead floating in the waters of Situ Gintung, Cireunde, Ciputat, South Tangerang, Thursday, September 12.

BPBD South Tangerang sent a boat to evacuate the victim. The victim's body was put in an ambulance to be taken to the hospital, for further processing.

East Ciputat Police Chief, Kompol Kemas Arifin confirmed the discovery of the body.

"It is true that it has been found," said Kemas when confirmed, Thursday, September 13.

Muryanto, Head of RT 02 at the scene, said that the body found in Situ GTung was a resident. He is named Arifin, who has been missing three days ago.

"He has been declared missing since three days ago and has also made a police report," said Muryanto.

Muryanto said that Arifin works as an angkot driver. Based on the family's statement, he left three days ago at 01.00 WIB.

"He left the house at one night three days ago," he said.

Arifin once attempted suicide in Lake Rempong, but failed, because the water was shallow.

"He jumped. It happened Monday afternoon. My wife also helped. In the afternoon someone found him at around 5 o'clock, he threw himself into the lake still survived because he was shallow," he said.

Khairudin (40), a neighbor of the victim, suspects that Arifin carried out the action because of depression due to difficult economic conditions.

"If I say he is more of an economic condition. I also sometimes give him a job too, he is an angkot driver now, his income is not rich first. If there is a side job, I will help. Feeling I am a burden on the family's mental economy, especially," he said.

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