YOGYAKARTA - Recently, fish milk has become the talk of many parties after becoming a proposal as an alternative to cow's milk in the free meal program in Indonesian schools launched by prabowo. Fish milk is considered a more economical solution and can be more environmentally friendly than cow's milk. In this article, a type of fish is often used for fish milk.

Fish milk is a protein-based product of fish that is processed with a special process that resembles milk. Although it has the name "fish sauce," this product basically does not come from milk glands such as cow's milk or goat's milk, but from the extraction of fish proteins, it is usually marine fish that contain a lot of omega-3.

Fish milk is processed as an alternative to land animal-based milk, which aims to be a source of high nutrients, especially protein, without having to rely on cow's milk or other dairy products.

Fish milk is generally produced in liquid form that can be consumed directly or used as a raw material in the manufacture of other food products. Often has a more neutral flavor and doesn't feel as beggar as we imagined.

With modern processing technology, the taste and smell of fish milk can be eliminated, so consumers don't feel much difference compared to cow milk.

Fish milk manufacturing is done with a complex process to extract protein from fish meat and mix it with other ingredients in order to produce textures and flavors that approach animal milk such as cow milk.

Below are some of the general stages in the process of making fish milk:

The first step in this process is to choose the right fish. In general, marine fish that have a high protein content such as cod fish or tenggiri fish are used because they contain omega-3 fatty acid which is also high. In addition, marine fish tend to contain better nutritional value in terms of vitamins and minerals.

After the fish are selected, the meat part of the fish that contains protein will be taken to be extracted. This process involves separating the meat from the bone and skin, then further processing it to get a high concentration of protein.

This process is also carried out to reduce the amicable aroma and increase the stability of the protein during the processing process.

The fish protein that has been extracted is then processed further by mixing water, dredging, and other additional ingredients such as perias and dilution. This process is carried out so that the texture and consistency of fish milk is close to cow's milk.

To ensure that bacteria and other contaminants are removed and the nutrients in fish milk can be maintained, processing is carried out at certain temperatures.

After mixing, fish milk is filtered to ensure that no rough particles remain. Furthermore, this product is sterilized by utilizing the heat process or pasteurization so that it is safe to consume and lasts a long time.

Fish milk that has been processed is then packaged in liquid or powder for sale. Packaging is also designed in such a way that it can be stored for a long period of time and remains hygienic.

The types of fish that are often used for making fish milk are pelagic fish that are rich in protein and omega-3. For example, tuna and tuna.

The hydrolysis process of this fish protein is in the form of breaking the protein into a form that is easier for the body to absorb.

According to the KKP, fish milk contains Eicosopentaenoic Acid (EPA), Dorosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), and Omega-3 which plays an important role in brain development and cardiovascular health.

Because it has a protein level of 96 percent, fish milk is also allergen-free and easy to digest the body.

That's a review of the types of fish that are often used for fish milk and the manufacturing process. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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