JAKARTA - The construction of the MRT Jakarta route across east-west for phase 1 along 24.5 kilometers began after the declaration by President Joko Widodo yesterday.

Director of PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) Tuhiyat targets that the MRT construction with the Medan Satria (Bekasi) route to Tomang (West Jakarta) will be completed in 2031.

"We will immediately start the tender process which is planned to be carried out next year (2025) with the target of completing the construction project in 2031," said Tuhiyat in his statement, Thursday, September 12.

After operating in the future, Tuhiyat hopes that MRT lin Timur-barat will contribute to reducing traffic congestion and increasing community mobility.

"For MRT Jakarta, this is part of the implementation of the mandate that has been given to build and expand the MRT Jakarta network as the backbone of the modern urban transportation system in the DKI Jakarta area," he said.

MRT tin east-west phase 1 stage 1 stretches along about 24.5 kilometers connecting Tomang, West Jakarta Administrative City and Medan Satria, Bekasi City.

Between Ujung Menteng and Medan Satria, outside the main route, an additional route to the north will be built for about 5.9 kilometers as access to Depo in Rorotan, North Jakarta Administrative City. Thus, the total route built reaches 30.4 kilometers.

At this stage, it is also planned that 21 stations will be built consisting of eight underground stations and 13 elevated stations as well as one depot on the ground level.

The planned travel time is 45 minutes per trip with a target of 284,900 passengers per day.

The construction of this project is funded by JICA's loan through co-financing with ADB. Then, the construction of about 800 meters long in the Bekasi City area is financed through a Central Government grant and its operations are borne by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government through a public service obligation (PSO) scheme.

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