BOGOR - At the end of the term of office of the Bogor City DPRD for the 2019 - 2024 period, the Bogor City DPRD Regional Regulation Formation Agency (Bapemperda) proposed the establishment of a Draft Regional Regulation (Raperda) on Prevention and Eradication of the Abuse and Dark Circulation of Narcotics and Narcotics Precursors (P4GN).

Bapemperda spokesman for the Bogor City DPRD, Endah Purwanti, said that the Raperda aims to protect the public from the abuse and illicit trafficking of narcotics which is very dangerous for the development of human resources and threatens the lives of the nation and state.

"Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts to prevent and eradicate systematically, structured, effective, and efficient as a form of support and role for the Regional Government," said Endah.

Furthermore, Endah explained that with the establishment of the Raperda, the targets that want to be realized include realizing prosperity and protection for the community, growing and increasing public knowledge and awareness about the dangers of Narcotics Abuse and Dark Circulation and Narcotics Precursors.

"So from this Raperda we can prevent the Abuse and Circulation of Narcotics Darks and Narcotics Precursors, eradicate the Abuse and Dark Circulation of Narcotics and Narcotics Precursors and guarantee the arrangement of Medical Rehabilitation Efforts against Narcotics Abusers and Precursors and Narcotics Precursors," explained Endah.

From the Bapemperda report of the Bogor City DPRD and based on the decision of all members of the Bogor City DPRD, Atang Trisnanto as the leader of the plenary meeting approved the discussion of the Raperda P4GN to be followed up further with the formation of a special committee team (Pansus).

Atang said drugs are serious threats that not only damage individuals, but also destroy families and weaken the joints of social life. Drug abuse can have a very detrimental impact, both in the short and long term.

Thus, preventing drug abuse is not only the duty of law enforcement, but also the responsibility of all of us as members of society.

Therefore, this Raperda is proposed to provide a strong legal basis for efforts to prevent, handle, and rehabilitate drug users. With clear regulations, we hope to reduce the number of drug abuse, protect our young generation, and create a healthy and safe environment for all levels of society," said Atang.

Atang emphasized that education-based prevention and families in this Raperda need to emphasize the importance of a comprehensive and sustainable educational program, especially among young people.

Education on the dangers of narcotics must start early, both in schools and families. In addition, the role of families in prevention must also be optimized by providing training or socialization to parents on how to identify and prevent narcotics abuse in the family environment," said Atang.

He also hopes that this Raperda will become an umbrella that can protect residents of Bogor City in the future and become a legacy from the Bogor City DPRD for the 2019-2024 period which is beneficial for the progress of Bogor City.

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