YOGYAKARTA - President Joko Widodo has appointed Saifullah Yusuf or commonly called Gus Ipul as Minister of Social Affairs to replace Risma. Tri Rismaharini has resigned from his position to participate in the 2024 East Java Governor and Deputy Governor Election contestation.

This is inversely proportional to Gus Ipul, who resigned from his position as mayor of Pasuruan to become Minister of Social Affairs. President Joko Widodo inaugurated him on September 11, 2024.

Gus Ipul is a senior politician who started his political career in 1999. Starting from running for office as a member of the DPR from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP). At the beginning of Gus Ipul was elected as a member of the DPR PDI-P faction, he was considered a symbol of the alliance from Gus Dur and Megawati Soekarnoputri.

It's just that at that time the relationship between Gus Dur and Megawati was strained, Gus Ipul decided to leave the DPR and PDI-P and move to PKB (National Awakening Party) in 2001.

Gus Ipul's Life When He Was Young

Gus Ipul was born to the couple Ahmad Yusuf Cholil and Sholichah Hasbullo. Gus Ipul initially had aspirations as a madrasa teacher. The struggle is because the madrasa, which is the place where he pedals to science, feels very sad.

With the history that his father has as an elementary and junior high school religious teacher as well as an employee of the Ministry of Religion, of course, this goal is indeed connected. Gus Ipul studied at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Mambaul Ma'arif Denanyar Jombang and SMP Islam Pasuruan.

Gus Ipul studied at the Middle School Preparation for Pasuruan State Development (1985). It was the same school as high school. After graduating from high school, his uncle KH. Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) advised Gus Ipul to study in Jakarta.

The Beginning Of The World Of Organization

Gus Ipul chose to enter the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), National University. Gus Ipul directly obtained knowledge from Gus Dur, who at that time was also still the chairman of PBNU.

The forerunner of Gus Ipul's political world began when Gus Ipul studied and continued to participate in activities at PBNU where his uncle Gus Dur also played a role in Gus Ipul's education.

When Gus Ipul students were active in various organizations. He is active in various campus organizations. However, Gus Ipul's circle is still the same, not distinguishing between insiders from friends.

Gus Ipul once played a role as Chairman of the Central Executive of the NU Student Association in 1990-1995 and was active in the Ansor Youth Movement (GP Ansor) organization. Gus Ipul started his political career by joining GP Ansor, an orginasi wing of NU youth.

In 1999, Gus Ipul was trusted to replace the position of General Chair because the leader at that time, Iqbal Assegaf died. After a year, Gus Ipul was re-confirmed as General Chair of GP Ansor.

In 2000-2005, the man whose real name is Saifullah Yusuf was Minister of State for the Acceleration of Development of Disadvantaged Regions in the United Indonesia Cabinet era of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) in 2004-2007. At the same time he also served as General Chair of GP Ansor for two consecutive periods (2000-2005 and 2005-2010).

At First glance in the World of Politics

At the PKB Congress in 2002, Gus Ipul was elected as Secretary General of PKB, defeating other strong candidates. Two years later, the husband of Fatma Saifullah Yusuf won the trust of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to serve as Minister of State Development for the Disadvantaged Regions of the Republic of Indonesia for one term.

Unfortunately, the internal conflict within the PKB caused Gus Ipul to be removed from his position as Secretary General. This also had an impact on his position as Minister. The position of Secretary General of PKB was then replaced by Lukman Edy. Even so, Gus Ipul still maintains his position as General Chair of GP Ansor for the 2005-2010 period.

At the age of 44, Gus Ipul accompanied Soekarwo as a candidate for Deputy Governor of East Java in the gubernatorial election. After going through two rounds of elections and re-voting in Bangkalan and Sampang Regencies on January 21, 2009, the pair was finally elected as Governor and Deputy Governor of East Java.

After taking the lead during the period 2008-2013, the Soekarwo-Gus Ipul pair was re-elected in the 2013 gubernatorial election for the 2014-2019 term.

In 2017, Gus Ipul ran as a Candidate for Governor in the 2018 gubernatorial election, representing PKB, with the support of the PDI-P. He was paired with the Regent of Banyuwangi, Azwar Anas. However, in the middle of the trip, Azwar Anas resigned and returned his mandate to the PDI-P. Finally, Puti Guntur Soekarno's name, a member of the DPR and the grandson of President Soekarno, was chosen by the PDIP to be Gus Ipul's companion.

Gus Ipul's Biography


Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Mambaul Ma'arif Denanyar Jombang (1979) Islamic Junior High School Pasuruan (1981) School Involved Preparation For Pasuruan State Development (1985) Faculty Of Social And Political Sciences (FISIP), National University, Jakarta


Chairman of the Fisip Unas Jakarta Senate (1988-1990) Chairman of the HMI Jakarta Branch (1990-1992) IPNU Central Manager (1992-1994) Chairman of the Central Executive IPNU (1990-1995) Deputy Secretary General of PP GP Ansor (1995) Secretary General AMNU General Chairman of GP Ansor (1999-2010) Annggotda DPR RI-PDI-P Faction (1999-2000) Secretary General of the National Awakening Party DPP (2002-2004) Minister of Disadvantaged Regional Development of the Republic of Indonesia (2004-2007) Deputy Governor of East Java (2009-2014,2014-2019)

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