JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly, Hidayat Nur Wahid, questioned the performance of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) and the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) in detecting acts of terrorism.

In particular, the function of prevention in the two institutions is a precautionary measure related to recurring events such as the suicide bombing in front of the Cathedral Church, Makassar. Moreover, said Hidayat, BIN, and BNPT budgets tend to increase.

"The number of budget for BIN and BNPT continues to increase, but terror against places of worship continues to occur", Hidayat said, Tuesday, March 30.

On the other hand, the PKS politician also considered that there was a need for a common opinion and legal justice in seeing cases of terrorism. Because he said, there were differences of opinion on the issue of terror between what happened in mosques and other places of worship.

According to Hidayat, when terror attacks targeting mosques, the legal process often ends up unclear. It is not uncommon for the perpetrators of the attacks to even be called mental disorders.

However, he continued, if an act of terror was carried out in another place of worship, the opinion generated would quickly lead to acts of terrorism targeting certain organizations.

"Injustices like this should also be corrected. So that all forms of crimes against religious symbols and religious figures can be prevented and corrected collectively. Because in essence all religions and religious communities become victims of acts of terrorism", said Hidayat.

Nevertheless, Hidayat reminded that religious communities in Indonesia should not be provoked and stuck with each other's battle agendas.

"The two agendas are usually carried out by anti-religious groups or communist groups. The ideology is prohibited in the Pancasila State", said Hidayat.

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