MANADO - North Sulawesi Province Planted Fish Quarantine Center (Sulut) succeeded in thwarting the smuggling of chickens at Tahuna Seaport, Sangihe Islands Regency, North Sulawesi Province (Sulut). "The illegal act of smuggling chickens has been thwarted by North Sulawesi Quarantine officers through the Tahuna Sea Port Service Unit (Satpel)," said North Sulawesi Quarantine Head I Wayan Kertanegara in Manado, Antara, Monday, September 9. He said as many as 49 chickens without quarantine documents were detained by officers and secured to the satpel office. The person in charge of the Tahuna Sea Port Satpel Renold Rahajaan said dozens of chickens were found when his team carried out surveillance patrols of animal traffic, fish and plants aboard the KM Mercy Lotus ship. Dozens of chickens were finally found in a locked ship. After coordinating with the ship's manager, the chickens were successfully removed and taken detention measures to prevent chickens whose health status was not yet clear from being sent between areas from Tahuna to Manado. The quarantine officer also managed to ask for information from the owner of the chicken, who admitted that he was not aware of the quarantine rules when sending chickens, or animal commodities, fish, and other plants. The owner of the goods was then asked to sign the minutes and committed not to violate the law against the rules of Law 21 of 2019 concerning Animal, Fish and Plant Quarantine in the future.
"The chickens detained were also returned to the owner after the ship sailed away from Tahuna," he said.

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