MAKASSAR - Former Vice President (Wapres) Jusuf Kalla visited the Makassar Cathedral Church, South Sulawesi (Sulsel), after the suicide bombing of the Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) network. JK expressed his condolences for the incident.

"I am here with other religious leaders to express my condolences and to strongly condemn the perpetrators and masterminds of the suicide bombings," said JK, quoted in Makassar by Antara, Monday, March 28.

The chairman of the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) together with the South Sulawesi Religious Communication Forum (FKUB Sulsel) visited the scene. The visit was in order to convey condolences and moral support to the Makassar Cathedral Church Management, in this case represented by the Makassar Archbishop Mgr Jhon Likuada.

In his meeting with the Archbishop, JK stated that the cause of the rampant suicide bombings was because someone was selling heaven cheaply.

"I said, the suicide bombing occurred because someone was selling heaven," said JK to Jhon Likuada.

During his visit, JK expressed his gratitude to the authorities who had moved quickly to overcome the terror act and hoped that the police would immediately catch the perpetrators behind the terror acts and their supporters.

"We are here to express our condolences to the Cathedral Church for what happened yesterday, and also I would like to thank the police who moved quickly to overcome this and hopefully they will immediately arrest all supporters of this terror act," continued JK.

JK emphasized that the acts of terror at the Makassar Cathedral Church were not only a problem for Catholics, but also a problem for mankind.

"The terror act in Makassar is not only a problem for Catholics, but also a problem for all of us," said JK.

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