Mount Semeru, which is on the border of Lumajang and Malang Regencies, East Java, erupted again with a duration of 106 seconds on Sunday at 12.57 WIB.

"There was an eruption of Mount Semeru on Sunday, September 8, 2024, at 12.57 WIB, but the eruption visual was not observed, because it was covered in fog," said Mount Semeru Observation Post Officer Ghufron Alwi in a written statement received in Lumajang, Sunday.

According to him, the eruption of the highest mountain on the island of Java was recorded on a seismograph with a maximum amplitude of 22 mm and the status of Mount Semeru is still at level II or alert.

Based on 24-hour seismic observations on Saturday (7/9), Mount Semeru experienced 94 eruption/eruption earthquakes with an amplitude of 12-25 mm, then 10 avalanches with an amplitude of 2-10 mm, then 13 gusts, 1 local tectonic earthquake and 5 distant tectonic earthquakes.

The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) provides a number of recommendations in line with its still vigilant status, namely that people are prohibited from carrying out any activities in the southeast sector along Besuk Kobokan, as far as 8 kilometers from the summit (the center of the eruption).

Then, outside of this distance, people are not allowed to carry out activities at a distance of 500 meters from the riverbank (river border) along Besuk Kobokan, because it has the potential to be affected by the expansion of hot clouds and lava flows up to a distance of 13 km from the summit.

The community is also not allowed to move within a three km radius of the crater/peak of Mount Semeru, because it is prone to the danger of throwing stones (lightning).

In addition, it is necessary to be aware of the potential for hot clouds, lava avalanches, and lahars along rivers/valleys that originate at the peak of Mount Semeru, especially along Besuk Kobokan, Besuk Bang, Besuk Kembar, and Besuk Sat, as well as the potential for lahars in small rivers that are tributaries of Besuk Kobokan.

The number of eruptions of Mount Semeru recorded from January 1 to September 8, 2024 at 13.00 WIB was 1,187 times

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