JAKARTA - The problem of air pollution in Indonesia is again in the main spotlight at the thematic session which discusses the air quality at the Indonesia Sustainability Forum (ISF) 2024 event which will take place at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Jakarta, Thursday, September 6. One of the main issues raised is the absence of data integration and emission source inventory that can form the basis for air pollution control policies.

Responding to this, the National Children's Air Foundation or Air Talks that encourage real action in handling air pollution, including education to the public as well as advocacy to stakeholders, to become a national priority issue in the Prabowo-Gibran Government for the period 2024-2029.

"Talking about Air in collaboration with Systemiq to become a Knowledge Partner at the Indonesia Sustainability Forum. Hopefully, we can encourage the elected president government to make the issue of air pollution a priority," said Air Spokesperson, Ratna Kartadjoemena, in a statement, Sunday, September 8.

Ratna said that her party also encouraged the next government to use scientific data and evidence to deal with this problem. It is known, data from BPJS Health shows that between 2018 and 2022, respiratory diseases caused by air pollution have cost Rp. 18 trillion. This is clear evidence that air pollution not only has an impact on public health, but also provides a significant economic burden.

"We also encourage policy making based on scientific data and evidence. Handling air pollution is crucial for realizing Indonesia Gold, because it has an impact on the health of children and future generations," he added.

For this reason, Ratna revealed that her party will submit several important recommendations which are expected to be of concern to the new government.

"Among them is an increase in the budget for improving air quality, adding air quality monitoring sensors, as well as increasing cross-border coordination to overcome air pollution that is transboundary or cross-regional," he said.

In addition, Ratna also gave appreciation to all parties participating in the 2024 ISF activities, especially at the thematic session on air quality. According to him, this event is also a gathering place for policy makers, industry players, academics, and non-governmental organizations to jointly explore the best solutions and practices in reducing air pollution in Indonesia.

"With this cross-sectoral collaboration, it is hoped that efforts to overcome the problem of air pollution in Indonesia can be further improved and have a significant impact on the problem of air quality in this country," he said.

On the same occasion, Dirgayuza Setiawan, editor of the Prabowo Subianto National Transformation Strategy Book, emphasized that Indonesia's economic growth ambition of 8 percent could not be achieved without overcoming air pollution.

"We cannot achieve an economy with high productivity if air pollution threatens the quality of human resources. The life expectancy of the Indonesian people is currently only 68 years old, far below the global average. This condition will worsen if the level of air pollution remains high. Compared to Singapore, which has an age of 83 years of life expectancy," he explained.

Dirgauza also emphasized that overcoming air pollution is an economic opportunity for Indonesia, including increasing competitiveness in the eyes of global talents and encouraging the potential of a green economy.

"Overcoming air pollution is in line with the Prabowo-Gibran government's vision to increase the potential of a green economy, including through the production of electric vehicles such as cars, buses, and motorbikes," he added.

Thus, continued Dirgayuza, handling air pollution will not only prolong the life expectancy of the Indonesian people but also support green economic growth and attract global talent.

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