PDIP spokesman Chico Hakim revealed the reasons behind the election of comedian Cak Lontong to the role of Sarah in the series Si Doel, Cornelia Agatha, in the winning team of Pramono Anung-Rano Karno for the Jakarta Pilkada. According to him, public figures are one of the strategies that can be done to win political contestation.

"For us to attract celebrities, in other words, people who are already known will certainly facilitate socialization to the public. But that is not enough, we must also be selective in choosing these figures," Chico told reporters, Saturday, September 7.

Chicko explained, Cak Lontong is a critical engineer and culturalist. However, he said, the critical content was conveyed in a funny and light style so that it could be accepted by the public.

"When we talk about Cak Lontong, for example, he is an engineer and as an artist and a comedian and comedy content that has been delivered, many are related to social criticism, criticism of injustice, delivered in a funny and light way, actually keeping so many deep messages. This means that he is also a person who is concerned about today's political life, the life of the nation and state who also improves the situation," he explained.

On the other hand, Cak Lontong also has a good relationship with PDIP figures, including Pramono and Rano. So that Cak Lontong is considered wholeheartedly joined as a team.

"Cak Lontong has a good relationship with us PDIP and forward figures like Mas Pram and Rano, so it's not an argument. He is also very enthusiastic and willing to join us wholeheartedly," said Chico.

Meanwhile, Cornelia Agatha, continued Chico, in addition to being serious about carrying out the arts, the actor Sarah in the 'Si Doel' series is also an advocate who often advocates for children's interests.

"He is also a member of the National Commission for Child Protection who is concerned with street children and disabled and a lot of advocacy to those who are marginalized," he said.

Chico hopes that the joining of the cast of the series 'Si Doel' can facilitate socialization in the community so that they quickly understand the vision and mission conveyed by Pramono-Rano.

"Regarding our flagship program, we are currently preparing, we have not completed our vision and mission which will be later after the determination of the candidate, we will announce it," he concluded.

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